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Welcome to the future of Mobile Healing Apps created by Healthy Visions!
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Quit Smoking with this Mobile Self-Hypnosis App!
Go to healthyvisionsapp.com/health from your mobile device to install My Healthy Treasure Chest.
Lose Weight while you Sleep!
You can find the Subliminal Weight Loss Night audio track in our My Healthy Treasure Chest App or as a single App. Go to healthyvisionsapp.com/health from your mobile device to install My Healthy Treasure Chest.
These Mobile Healing Apps Are also available on CD!
You can find these great Healing audio tracks on our Online Store at www.HealthyVisions.net
Subliminal Weight Loss Night
Go to healthyvisionsapp.com/weightnight from your mobile device to automatically be redirected to either Google Play for Android Devices or iTunes for iPhone and iPad devices.
My Healthy Treasure Chest
Subliminal Weight Loss Night
Created by M. Ron Eslinger,RN, CRNA, APN, MA, BCH, CMI, FNGH
Captain USN, Retired
Night Time Subliminal Weight Loss – Research from the University of Tennessee Medical School showed that when sleeping, even in general anesthesia, the subconscious mind hears and responds to suggestions even thought there is no conscious memory of the suggestions.
The nighttime Subliminal App is a mixture of Bio-rhythmic Music with underlying suggestions in a decreased volume and in a higher frequency. With a Theta tone to entrain the brain to a slower cycle per second creating an atmosphere for relaxation and acceptance of suggestions for eating properly and sparingly while increasing daily activity to burn off calories. Others who used this program reported sleeping better, feeling better and experiencing more energy. You too can look better, feel better, sleep better and be more relaxed.
How to use this program:
Play nightly on low volume by looping or repeating Night Time Subliminal Weight Loss all night, every night. In 3-4 weeks you will notice changes in your eating habits.
Created by Ron Eslinger, Advanced Practice Nurse and Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Board Certified Hypnotist
Mobile Healing Apps
These apps were created by Healthy Visions Hypnosis Wellness Center, a Ron Eslinger Company. For more information about Healthy Visions please visit our websites:
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